Altar Servers keep much of the detail of our celebrations flowing smoothly by assisting in weekend liturgies, weddings, funerals, and daily Eucharist for those who are available. Young men and women parishioners, end of 5th grade and older, are welcome. If you would like to become an altar server, please sign up by using the link below. The enthusiasm of our young people for the liturgy brings life to our parish.
Once you are registered, you will be contacted by someone on the SSJ Altar Server Ministry who will help you schedule times to serve that are convenient for you. You will receive a link to register on our Altar Server Ministry software (Rotunda) where you will be able to view the complete schedule, including who you are scheduled to serve with. You will be required to check the schedule regularly, and if you are scheduled to serve at a particular Mass but are unable, THE PARISH IS COUNTING ON YOU TO ARRANGE FOR A SUBSTITUTE AS PROMPTED ON THE SOFTWARE.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Rectory Office at 610-696-3624.