Please notify the rectory when a parishioner is about to be hospitalized, is hospitalized, or is confined at home due to sickness, infirmity, or age.
Communion Calls
A parish priest or deacon will visit and bring Holy Communion to shut-ins on a regular basis each month. Eucharistic Ministers are available on Sundays to bring Communion to the homes of those who are sick or infirmed. Please contact the rectory.
Hospital Stays
If you are planning to enter the hospital for a serious operation and wish to receive the Sacrament of the Sick, please call the rectory. A priest will anoint you with this healing sacrament. Please let the hospital staff know that you are a Catholic and wish the Chaplain/Eucharistic Minister to bring you Communion. Also, let us know of your illness so we can visit and pray with you.
Communal Celebration for the Annointing of the Sick
Persons afflicted with physical, mental, or emotional sickness such as cancer, diabetes, alcoholism, chronic heart/lung disease, arthritis, depression, anxiety, and/or persons who find themselves in a weakened condition due to age or illness are invited to attend this Liturgy and to be anointed. To be anointed in this way is to be consecrated---that is, to be set aside---for God's blessing and protection during this time of sickness. The sacrament also is a powerful prayer for physical and spiritual healing. Date and time will be announced in the Sunday bulletin.