Each Fall (beginning in 2019), 7th grade students both in the school and P.R.E.P. programs are invited to participate in a program of preparation for the celebration of Confirmation in the Spring.
Academy Students Any 7th grade student (beginning in 2019) attending a private Catholic academy should contact the Director of Religious Education. Although academy students receive their instruction at the academy, they receive Confirmation in the parish.
Jr. and Sr. High School Students Any 7th through 12th grade student who wishes to be confirmed should contact the Director of Religious Education.
Adults to be confirmed: Adults may go through the RCIA process. They also may wish to receive Confirmation at the Cathedral Ceremony. Arrangements can be made by contacting one of the parish priests. Sponsors for Confirmation: Qualifications to be a sponsor at Confirmation are the same for those of a Catholic godparent at Baptism. Since the role of the sponsor is to assist the parents in providing witness to the confirmed, the sponsor is to be someone other than a parent.
Letters of Eligibility: Sponsors not from the parish where Confirmation is administered need a letter of eligibility from their parish.