FROM PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTH JERSEY Take I-95 South to I-476 North (Plymouth Meeting) exit. Follow I-476 North for about 6 miles to Exit 9 - Broomall Rt. 3 West. Proceed up the ramp and make left turn onto Rt. 3 West. Follow Rt. 3 about 9.5 miles, pass through the Rt. 352 South intersection and stay on your left for about 1/10th mile to the next traffic light. Turn left into the church parking lot. The Meehan Center is located in the lower level of SS. Simon and Jude church.
FROM WILMINGTON AND POINTS SOUTH Take I - 95 North to US 202 North. Follow Rt. 202 North to Rt. 3 East Exit (Newtown Square). Follow Rt. 3 East for approximately 3 miles. At the traffic light for Rt. 352 North, turn right into the church parking lot. Located in the lower level of SS. Simon and Jude church. Located in the lower level of SS. Simon and Jude church.
FROM VALLEY FORGE (EXIT 326 - PA. TURNPIKE) AND KING OF PRUSSIA Take Exit 326 off PA Turnpike and follow signs for 202 South. Take the Exit for 202 South.
THE EXIT RAMP FORKS IMMEDIATELY AND YOU MUST STAY TO THE LEFT SO THAT YOU ENTER RT. 202 SOUTH. IF YOU STAY TO THE RIGHT, YOU WILL ENTER RT. 422. Follow Rt. 202 South about 16 miles to Boot Rd. exit. Proceed up exit ramp and turn left onto Boot Rd. (South). Follow Boot Rd. for about 1½ miles and cross over Paoli Pike. Continue about another ½ mile on Boot Rd to merger into Rt. 352 South. Bear right and follow Rt. 352 South to Rt. 3 (West Chester Pike). Cross over Rt. 3 straight into the church parking lot. Located in the lower level of SS. Simon and Jude church.
FROM NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, NEW YORK Take New Jersey Turnpike Exit 6 for Pennsylvania Turnpike. Follow I - 276 Pa. Turnpike West to Exit 25 (Plymouth Meeting). Follow signs for I - 476 South (Chester). Proceed on I - 476 to Exit 9 (Broomall).
Follow Rt. 3 West for about 9.5 miles, pass through the Rt. 352 South intersection and stay on your left for about 1/10th mile to the next traffic light. Turn left into the church parking lot. Located in the lower level of SS. Simon and Jude church.
FROM HARRISBURG AND POINTS WEST Take Pa. Turnpike East to Exit 23 Downingtown. Follow Route 100 South for about 5.5 miles. At that point
Rt. 100 South bears to the right into West Chester.
Do not take that exit. Continue straight on the highway until it merges with Rt. 202 South. Follow Rt. 202 South to the Newtown Square Exit at Rt. 3 East. At the bottom of the ramp bear to the right to follow Rt. 3 East for approximately 3 miles. At the traffic light for Rt. 352 North, turn right into the church parking lot. If you miss Turnpike Exit 23 proceed to Exit 24 and follow directions from Valley Forge (see above). Located in the lower level of SS. Simon and Jude church.
FROM ALLENTOWN AND POINTS NORTH Take the Northeast Extension of the Pa. Turnpike South to Exit 25A for Mid-County Expressway (I - 476).
Follow signs for I - 476 South (Chester). Proceed on I - 476 To Exit 9 (Broomall). Follow Rt. 3 West for about 9.5 miles, pass through the Rt. 352. South intersection and stay on your left for about 1/10th mile to the next traffic light. Turn left into the church parking lot. Located in the lower level of SS. Simon and Jude church.