Preparation Stage: June - August, 2022
Week 1: 9/17-18: Kick off Stewardship Program at Mass and send home New Ministry Guide Book
Letter Mailing #1: 9/19: Send the first letter prompting parishioners to reflect on their offering and the their gifts of Time and Talent.
Week 2: 9/24-25: Lay Leader Presentation Weekend. Lay Leaders will share about Stewardship
Week 3: 10/1-2: Electronic Giving Info Weekend. Look for information in the Bulletin and in the back of Church.
Week 4: 10/8-9: Ministry Guide Book Reminder
Week 5: 10/15-16: Stewardship Update Weekend
Week 6: 10/22-23: Follow Up Weekend
Letter #2: 10/24: Send a followup letter asking parishioners to reflect on offerings and their gifts of time and talend.
Week 7: 10/29-30: Update Weekend to Electronic Giving
Week 8: 11/5-6: Celebrate Thank You Weekend